Gastronomic offer, key to promoting and diversifying tourism in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic has a great geographical location. The tourist industry is one of the economic pillars, and gastronomy is a powerful ally in attracting visitors from all over the world.

Josélin Sosa, an expert in Hospitality, explained that “it is important to remember that gastronomy is a fundamental part of our cultural identity, and each dish served tells a story about who we are as a people.”

She stated, “Gastronomy is a driver of tourism and Dominican economic development, adding cultural value to the country and positioning it as a gastronomic benchmark in the region.”

“For tourism in the DR to continue to grow and diversify, we must value and promote what is ours; we are a country that has a lot to offer both in the sector and the gastronomic field,” she said.

Sosa told that “gastronomic tourism is a model that is making its way in the Dominican Republic. Every day, more experts and chefs come out who can take this segment in turn.”

Sosa added that “Dominican cuisine has immense potential and it is time to give it the place it deserves, as gastronomy professionals we are ready to take on the challenge, and as a nation to support and give ourselves the opportunity to shine in the scenarios that correspond to us.”

“In recent years, the Dominican Republic has developed ideas related to gastronomic tourism by creating routes such as: the cocoa route, the rum route, the banana route, the tobacco route, among others; that provide a good contribution,” he added.