President Abinader’s ambitious airport infrastructure overhaul

President Abinader’s ambitious airport infrastructure overhaul

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic is making significant strides in improving its airport infrastructure under the leadership of President Luis Abinader. The government’s plan includes the expansion and modernization of existing airports and the development of new ones to meet the evolving demands of the aviation sector.

A crucial part of this plan is the renegotiation and expansion of the concession contract with Aerodom-VINCI. This contract covers the management of six airports, including Las Américas International Airport and Joaquín Balaguer Airport in Santo Domingo, Gregorio Luperón Airport in Puerto Plata, María Montez Airport in Barahona, and the President Juan Bosch and Arroyo Barril Airports in Samaná.

The government has also initiated several significant projects. The tender for the Cabo Rojo airport in Pedernales began on November 30. This airport is expected to play a key role in boosting the southern region’s tourism and economy, with an initial investment of US$1.3 billion.

The Osvaldo Virgil domestic airport in Montecristi is undergoing a major upgrade, including runway resurfacing and the construction of a more modern terminal. This project aims to improve facilities for both national and foreign pilots.

Additionally, President Abinader commenced construction of a new airport, El Granero del Sur, in the San Juan de la Maguana area. This commercial airport is set to be operational in the third quarter of 2024 and will provide various services including agricultural technology and access to the province’s natural heritage.

Moreover, the government is exploring the construction of new heliports as part of expanding the National Heliport Network. Potential sites for these new heliports include lands near Esmeralda beach in Miches, Cabrera municipality, and the Cayo Levantado islet in Samaná.

These initiatives reflect the government’s commitment to enhancing the Dominican Republic’s aviation infrastructure, supporting the tourism sector, and fostering economic growth.