Discover MarketPlace opens its eighth edition in Puerto Plata

Discover MarketPlace opens its eighth edition in Puerto Plata

Puerto Plata.- The Puerto Plata Destination Tourism Cluster (CTDPP) inaugurated the 8th annual international market and adventure fair Discover MarketPlace 2019 on Wed. night, during an event held at the Hotel Senator Puerto Plata Spa Resort, which gathered numerous national and international guests linked to the tourism and hotel sector.

The international tourism marketing fair organized by the Tourism Cluster with the official sponsorship of the Tourism Ministry, has convened 80 exhibiting companies, 125 media and more than 300 delegates from Central Asia, Russia, Miami, Portugal, Spain, Colombia, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Chicago, Brazil, Australia, Venezuela, France, Canada, Mexico and Panama.


Prominent hotelier Daniel L. Rossell headed the ceremony and stressed the positive impact of tourism in the area at the annual Discover MarketPlace celebration. He noted the characteristics that distinguish the Senator brand and how it has added value to the reinvented hotel offer provided by the Puerto Plata destination.