Tourism contributed more than US$22 million to the Dominican Republic’s GDP in 2022

Tourism contributed more than US million to the Dominican Republic’s GDP in 2022

Last year 2022 the tourism industry generated an added value to the economy of US$22.19 billion, of which 59% was generated by hotels and 41% by the rest of the sector.

In addition, 19% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2022.

Also, the sector has an accumulated investment of US$22,310 million and an intermediate consumption of more than US$13,000 million.

The data is contained in the study “Impact of the Tourism Sector on the Dominican Economy”, presented at the Asonahores Tourism Investment Forum.

“It is this study that we see the impact that all this tourism investment has on the entire country. It’s not just that the tourist arrives and goes to the hotel, but that the hotel buys goods and services, employs people and invests,” said economist Jacqueline Mora, of Analityca who offered details of the study, carried out in conjunction with Banco Popular for the Dominican Association of Hotels and Tourism (Asonahores).

In addition, the study specifies that in tax payments last year tourism generatedUS$1,002 million. “Hotel purchases reachedUS$2,770 million in 2022, 2.4$% of GDP, while the rest of the sector’s purchases wereUS$2,567 million.”

On employment generation, it details that last year the sector contributed 721,912 jobs, with 59% generated by hotels and 41% in the rest of the sector.