80% of Americans are willing to share biometric data to travel better

The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), a global body representing the private sector of the Travel and Tourism industry, revealed the results of a new survey that showed that 8 out of 10 Americans who board flights National or international are willing to send biometric data in advance to improve your travel experience.
As part of its investigation into the “Seamless Traveler Journey” (STJ) program, the agency conducted a survey to better understand the willingness of consumers to share their electronic photography with governments and companies, prior to making their trip.
Other data revealed by the investigation showed that 81% of Americans who travel abroad and 79% who do so nationwide are willing to share biometric data to accelerate and improve their travel experience.
In addition, 8 out of 10 people said they are willing to provide a photo to business and government organizations that require a passport or photo ID. While 87% of young people aged 25 to 34, who are the largest group of tourists, are willing to share biometric data.
In this regard, Gloria Guevara Manzo, President and CEO of the WTTC said: “according to our survey, more than 80% of travelers would use their faces to effectively replace their IDs, boarding passes and even their passports. From the hotel reservation to the destination city, biometric technology will transform the way we travel, creating a safe and trouble-free experience. ”
Last Tuesday, the WTTC met in the European Parliament based in Brussels, Belgium, with authorities and representatives of the private sector to agree on models that are globally interoperable, technologically neutral and that cover the journey from end to end, in an effort to move forward. in the vision of a trip without problems for tourists.