Airlines in the Americas reaffirm their adherence to IATA’s 25by2025 initiative

Airlines in the Americas reaffirm their adherence to IATA’s 25by2025 initiative

“The growing number of airlines joining 25by2025 illustrates a strong push to strengthen aviation with a more diverse workforce,” said IATA Regional Vice President for the Americas Peter Cerdá

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) welcomed the continued focus on diversity and inclusion of airlines based in the Americas, illustrated by its renewed commitment to the industry-wide 25by2025 initiative, in which participating companies they commit to increasing the number of women in senior jobs and in underrepresented areas and to reporting annually on key diversity metrics.

IATA’s Wings of Change Americas Conference, held in Santiago, Chile, featured a presentation on gender entitled “Breaking the glass ceiling of the airline industry.” This included a 25by2025 commitment signing ceremony in which Azul and GOL joined the 24* airlines based in the Americas, who had already pledged their support. In addition, the International Council of Airports of Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) also joined this initiative.

“We are pleased to see airlines from the Americas region leading the way in bringing 25by2025 to life. The fact that Azul and GOL have pledged their support is an important step in this initiative and we hope this will be a motivation for others come together,” said Peter Cerdá, IATA Regional Vice President for the Americas.

“The growing number of airlines joining 25by2025 illustrates a strong push to strengthen aviation with a more diverse workforce. The airlines that have already joined the initiative demonstrate their leadership for change. This is a very strong foundation.” to attract more airlines to make the commitment and, more importantly, to report on improving gender balance, especially in senior positions,” said Jane Hoskisson, Director of Talent, Learning, Engagement and Diversity of IATA.

To encourage progress in the area of ​​diversity and inclusion, IATA, in collaboration with Qatar Airways, launched the Diversity and Inclusion Awards, recognizing three categories in the areas of diversity of inclusion, such as

  • Inspirational Model Award
  • High Flyer Award
  • Diversity and Inclusion Team.

Nominations for these annual awards are open until 6:00 p.m. CET on April 24, 2022 and will be judged by an independent panel chaired by Karen Walker, Editor-in-Chief of Air Transport World and made up of the 2021 award winners . The winners of these annual awards will be announced at IATA’s 78th Annual General Assembly and World Air Transport Summit.