Collado celebrates World Tourism Day by highlighting the progress of the Dominican Republic

Collado celebrates World Tourism Day by highlighting the progress of the Dominican Republic

On the occasion of World Tourism Day, the Minister of Tourism of the Dominican Republic, David Collado, sent a message of congratulations and reflection through his social networks, highlighting the importance of the tourism sector in the economic development of the country.

In his message, Collado highlighted the progress that the Dominican Republic has made in the recovery and expansion of tourism, despite global challenges. “Today we celebrate World Tourism Day with the satisfaction that our country continues to be one of the most attractive destinations in the Caribbean. Thanks to the joint efforts of the public and private sectors, we have managed to consolidate our leadership in the region,” said the minister.

Collado also underscored the positive impact of tourism on job creation and the development of local communities, noting that “tourism is not only an engine of the economy, but also a tool to improve the quality of life of Dominicans. The Dominican Republic has maintained a steady growth in the flow of international visitors, positioning itself as a preferred destination for millions of tourists. Collado reaffirmed the government’s commitment to continue promoting policies that strengthen the tourism industry, promoting sustainability and innovation in the sector.