Airlines and cruises contribute more than 6.1 million visitors to Dominican Republic until August

The cumulative arrival of non-resident visitors by area in the period January-August 2019 yields a total of 4,664,036 travelers, for an increase of 19,987 additional tourists compared to the same period of the previous year, equivalent to a growth of 0.4%. Within this result, non-resident Dominicans experienced an interannual variation of 14.8% (91,141 additional travelers), while non-resident foreigners registered a decrease of 1.8%, that is, 71,154 fewer visitors than in January-August of 2018.
The total arrival of resident and non-resident passengers by air during the January-August period of 2019 amounted to 5,118,100 passengers, for an interannual variation of 0.8%, which represented an additional 42,473 passengers in relation to the same period of the year 2018.
Regarding the particular case of the results of the month of August 2019, it is observed that the interannual variation of the arrival of non-resident passengers to the Dominican Republic was less negative (-7.5%) than in the month of July (-11.2% ). In fact, in absolute terms, 497,390 non-resident visitors arrived in the country in August, which meant a reduction of 40,185 passengers compared to the same month of 2018
We remember that last September 9 we published exclusively, that the receiving maritime tourist flow of the Dominican Republic registered in these eight months of 2019, the Dominican Republic has received a total total of 988,646 visitors in 321 cruise ships, of which 737,488 were Passengers (cruise passengers) and 251,158 correspond to the cruise crew’s personnel.
In the total sum, both foreign and Dominican residents and non-residents, in addition to cruise passengers (passengers and crew), the Dominican Republic has received 6,106,746 passengers / visitors.