Central Bank and Asonahores review tourism behavior in 2020

Central Bank and Asonahores review tourism behavior in 2020

Santo Domingo.– After a meeting with executives of the Dominican Republic Hotels and Tourism Association (Asonahores), the Dominican Central Bank stated that the flow of tourists is expected to reach a proportion of approximately 50% of the non-resident passengers who arrived in December 2019, which were 624,268, according to official data.

In a press release, the Central Bank pointed out that the arrival of non-resident visitors to the Dominican Republic was 2,056,856 tourists during January-November 2020. Within this total, 1,513,262 are foreigners and 543,594 are non-resident Dominicans.

The Central Bank Governor, Héctor Valdez Albizu, assured that despite the adverse conditions caused by the pandemic, the economic outlook for the Dominican Republic is very positive, influenced by the set of expansive measures that have been implemented, the capacity for resilience of the productive sectors and the recent advances in the area of COVID-19 ​​vaccines with which he estimated that the economy could grow around 6% in 2021, above its potential rate.

Valdez Albizu and Asonahores executives, led by its president Rafael Blanco, analyzed the behavior of tourism in 2020 in terms of the pandemic and the real prospects for gradual recovery next year.

They also agreed to initiate inter-institutional collaboration actions to strengthen the analysis and improve the precision of the statistics regarding the tourism sector.

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