Dominican Popular Bank joins World Tourism Organization as Affiliate Member

Dominican Popular Bank joins World Tourism Organization as Affiliate Member

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Popular Bank has become an affiliate member of the World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism) following approval by the Committee on Issues Relating to the Collective of Affiliated Members during the 121st executive session of the Executive Council held on Tuesday in Barcelona, Spain.

This announcement was made by Anabel Bueno, permanent representative of the Dominican Mission to UN Tourism, and Zurab Pololikashvili, secretary general of UN Tourism. Also present were Natalia Bayona, executive director of UN Tourism; Ion Vilcu, director of the Affiliate Members Department; Juan Manuel Martín de Oliva, vice president of the Popular Tourism Business Area; and representatives from other government entities, including Carlos Peguero, vice minister of Tourism.

UN Tourism currently boasts over 500 affiliated members from public and private entities worldwide.

Enhancing Support for Tourism

Following Banco Popular’s affiliation with UN Tourism, executive president Christopher Paniagua described the event as “a historic moment,” emphasizing that the bank’s membership will enhance its ability to contribute to the sustainable development of tourism in the Dominican Republic.

As an affiliate, Banco Popular will leverage the resources offered by UN Tourism, which include an exclusive platform for communication and cooperation with Member States and other affiliates, access to studies, statistical data, over 1,100 tourism publications, and the UN Tourism Barometer.