Government will renovate 25 beaches for more than 3,000 million pesos

President Luis Abinader and the Minister of Tourism, David Collado, led the launching ceremony of the National Plan for the Reorganization, Regeneration, Training and Financing for Associations and Informal Vendors of the beaches.
In said plan, more than 3,000 million pesos will be invested in the renovation of some 25 beaches, bringing training and financing for the benefit of hundreds of families that reside in these tourist areas.
The Minister of Tourism expressed that as part of the plan, the small merchants who operate on the beaches to be intervened will receive the transformation of their spaces and training on the quality of their services, improving their economy and that of their families, with a vision of urban planning. which will attract more tourists.
He said that more than 3,000 beach vendors across the country have recovered their sales and are part of the renovation and reorganization project for these tourist spaces.
“And we started a program in which we are going to renovate 25 beaches and today we are in Macao, in Miches, Guayacanes I and II, Las Galeras, Los Patos, and we are going to Palenque, Puerto Plata and all the beaches in the country with a budget. of more than 3 billion pesos”, he proclaimed.
“I want to express the pride and satisfaction I have in working with President Luis Abinader, the man who has supported tourism the most in the country’s history,” Collado said.
The activity took place at the San Lázaro Club, where tour guides, small business owners and representatives of associations from those coastal areas from all over the country participated.
At the event, President Abinader received recognition from vendor associations.