Latin American and Caribbean airlines passenger increased 4.3% in august
The Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA) announced today that Latin American and Caribbean airlines carried 26.7 million passengers in August, up 4.3% – or 1,103,983 additional passengers – from the previous year. Traffic (RPK) grew 2.8% and capacity (ASK) decreased 0.6%, bringing the load factor to 83.7%, 2.7 percentage points higher than in 2018. (see table 1).
Traffic to/from Latin America & Caribbean
Latin American and Caribbean airlines carried 2.8 million passengers to and from Latin America and the Caribbean in August, up 1.1% from the previous year (see table 2). Traffic (RPK) grew 2.6% and capacity (ASK) decreased 0.9%, bringing the load factor to 86%.
Domestic Traffic
Latin American and Caribbean airlines carried 20.1 million domestic passengers in August, up 5.4% from the previous year. Traffic (RPK) grew 4% and capacity (ASK) increased 1%, bringing the load factor to 82.1%.
International Traffic
Latin American and Caribbean airlines carried 6.6 million international passengers in August, of which 3.8 million were international passengers within the region and 2.8 million outside the region. Argentina-Brazil was the most important intra-regional market while Mexico-USA was the most important extra-regional market.
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