Seaworld parks and Bestravel Service sign marketing agreement

The wholesaler Bestravel Service and SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment have signed a marketing and distribution contract for Colombia where the agency will offer the SeaWorld and Aquatica parks in Orlando and Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay in the national market, with direct connectivity to issue tickets the attractions.
At SeaWorld, the world’s most recognized marine park, visitors contribute to wildlife rescue and rehabilitation efforts, habitat protection and ocean health initiatives, in addition to numerous attractions, the newest being Ice Breaker, Orlando’s first launch roller coaster. Aquatica, awarded as the best water park in Orlando, has a variety of slides and pools for all preferences. Riptide Race its newest attraction is a double competition slide and Busch Gardens, is the perfect combination between nature and adrenaline, it has the best roller coasters in Florida, the newest being Iron Gwazi, considered the most hybrid roller coaster high and steep of the world, with a 91 degree drop from a 61 meter high peak at a speed of 122 km per hour. All these in addition to its wonderful zoo and habitat of more than 12,000 animals and 200 species that visitors can observe throughout its plains. Additional benefits offered by these parks include the All Day Dining Deal program, where visitors can eat every 90 minutes at participating restaurants in all three parks.
Diana Sosa, Sales Representative for Latin America has emphasized the importance for the parks, the sale of attractions in Colombia based on the high flow of travelers to Miami and Orlando. “The great challenge for everyone is to make the parks a mandatory purchase for family groups that visit our destinations and increase sales by 20% throughout the Colombian territory. This can definitely come true thanks to the excellent product and very competitive rates that we offer in the Colombian market.”
“For Bestravel it is very important to have the distribution of the parks belonging to SeaWorld Parks and it will direct its strengths to become the commercial leader of the company in the medium term, contributing with a wide promotion of the destinations where the parks are located. ” emphasizes Víctor Orduz, president of the company.
Important to highlight SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment’s Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, which identify ways the company is building a purpose-driven business to create experiences that matter and inspire people to protect animals and wild wonders of the world. world. The programs showcase the actions SeaWorld is taking to ensure the health and well-being of the animals in its care, rescue and protect animals in the wild, minimize the environmental impact of its operations, and create a strong culture in which employees are committed and connected to the company’s mission. Management of renewable energies, reduction of waste and GHG emissions and responsible food supply are its main activities.