Tour operators in the Dominican Republic to provide guidance to avoid scams

Tour operators in the Dominican Republic to provide guidance to avoid scams

Santo Domingo, DR. – Following recent reports of alleged scams by a single travel agency in the Dominican Republic, the Dominican Association of Tour Operators (Adotur) launched a campaign for travelers to verify the existence, veracity and records of the companies from which they buy tours, airline tickets or accommodations.

“Verify your agency” is the campaign of Adotur that makes available to citizens through its digital media with the aim of identifying whether agencies are licensed to operate and thus avoid being scammed. Bladimir Monegro, president of the entity, said that as an entity that brings together the regulated companies that offer these services, they support the measure of the Ministry of Tourism, to bring to justice those responsible for this fraud that affects thousands of citizens who trusted in that agency for the organization of their trips.

“The Dominican Association of Tour Operators wishes to express its most energetic repudiation of the fraudulent actions of the travel agency “De Vacaciones en RD” by virtue of the fact that this regrettable fact affects thousands of Dominican citizens, who trusted in this agency for the organization of their trips, only to find themselves abandoned without answers, or solutions,” he said. He added that, as representatives of the sector, they join the Ministry of Tourism in its firm stance against these practices that not only harm consumers, but also damage the image of the tourism industry in the country.

Consult travel agencies authorized by the Ministry of Tourism.

The Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic has an online consultation mechanism in which Dominican or foreign tourists and travelers can verify if the establishment, hotel, travel agency, tour operator or other with which they are doing business is formally registered or has a current license in the country.

In this National Tourism Registry you can consult the tourism establishments authorized to operate by the Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic.