VII edition of “Destino Capital” has as its theme accessible and inclusive tourism

The next edition of “Destino Capital”, has as its main theme accessible and inclusive tourism, as referred to exclusively by Doina De Campos, director of this event that reaches its seventh edition
When conversing with Doina de Campos, Infotur Dominicano was able to know that a special edition has been wanted this 2019, and given the situation that the country recently faced with the discredit campaign, they wanted to address the security issue, which will be addressed by General Juan Carlos Torres Robiou, general director of the Specialized Tourist Security Corps (Cestur)
In the same way, the agenda includes the theme of tourism “Ultra Luxury” presented by the CEO of Hotels & Lodges, Jérome Gruget, as well as the theme entitled “Green destination, for responsible, respectful, supportive and sustainable tourism”
The theme “Accessible and Inclusive Destinations” occupies the main theme of Destino Capital and it will be addressed by Magaly Toribio in a very interesting panel, in which Fráncina Hungary, Mónica Infante and Teddy de Lara will also participate as moderator.
“Santo Domingo Academy” will close with a powerful interactive dialogue between Frank Diaz, CEO Logic Pac and Gustavo Villavizar, CEO of Proxy, about inclusive social networks.
“Our goal is to“ fall in love ”with the 140 hosted buyers from all over the world who will be present at Destino Capital at Embassy Suites By Hilton Santo Domingo from September 15 to 17.