WTTC sees tourism as a key sector for environmental protection

The World Travel and Tourism Council assured that the travel and tourism industry plays a crucial role in reversing the damage caused by human beings to the environment.
Within the framework of its participation in the Climate Week that takes place in New York, the world organization pointed out that the industry must take positive actions to contribute to the restoration of the environment and apply organic solutions in pursuit of decarbonization, to reach the zero carbon emissions globally.
The WTTC presented the ‘Nature Positive Travel & Tourism’ report, which aims to help companies understand and manage the impact on biodiversity and call for urgent action to protect flora and fauna.
Said report was launched before the UN Conference on Biodiversity, which will take place in December this year so that governments from all over the world present their projects to transform society’s behavior towards nature, offering new solutions for environmental conservation.
‘Nature Positive Travel & Tourism’ was created in conjunction with ANIMONDIAL, a key Travel & Tourism animal protection consultant, and private sector organisations. In addition, it is supported by the Convention on Biological Diversity SCBD.
Julia Simpson, president and CEO of WTTC pointed out that “Human activity has contributed to the loss of natural habitat, and we have 1 in 4 species in danger of extinction.” In this regard, she argued that the travel and tourism sector has the opportunity to make a difference, since its activity depends a lot on nature and, in this sense, it must take a leading role in conserving the environment.
Daniel Turner, co-founder and director of ANIMONDIAL, said: “Companies dedicated to travel and tourism are working to understand the need to include the protection of biodiversity and nature in their future action and development plans.”
Elizabeth Maruma Mirema, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, explained: “Travel and tourism is in a unique position to contribute to reversing this problem by implementing some programs such as educating and raising awareness, creating sustainable models for the protection , maintenance and restoration of ecosystems; also the reduction of activities that promote the growth of the carbon footprint”.
To achieve this, the report offers a map based on a 4-phase work with practical steps to guide the sector in adopting a culture of much closer approach to nature protection. It also proposes 4 actions so that companies can reconnect people and nature in the short term, support sustainable value chains, protect fauna and their habitats, in addition to investing in natural spaces.
Both the private and public sectors have different roles to play, but the only way to bring about meaningful change is for both to work together to protect different natural ecosystems.